Have questions? We have answers!

  • Conference Pro is a community of verified field and event marketers as well as conference hosts. Our goal is to provide an open and honest platform for exhibitors to share actionable feedback for their peers and our conference host partners. We believe that with expert insights from exhibitors, marketers are able to make more educated conference investment decisions, and conference hosts can innovate and create a better event experience for everyone involved.

  • Conference Pro is open to everyone. Whether you’re a business that heavily relies on conferences/trade shows as part of your marketing mix or are just getting started and doing research, or whether your company hosts conferences/trade shows - this platform is for you!

  • Our goal is provide insight into all conference types; in-person, virtual and a hybrid blend of both. With your help, by adding reviews and ratings from recent conferences, we’ll have coverage in every major industry, market, and geography.

  • If you haven’t received an email confirmation, please be sure to check your spam folder. If you still don’t see an email, please contact support@myconferencepro.com.

  • We give everyone a voice, but like many other review sites, we ask that our contributors respect and follow our Terms of Use & Content Standards. Remember to be authentic, helpful, relevant, and appropriate. Here’s an example of a review:

    Review Example

  • Every review has eight possible rating criteria that the reviewer ranks their experience from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). We require a minimum of four fields to be rated for a review to be submitted, and from there the platform averages the ratings of all submitted reviews to produce an overall rating score.

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