Your always-on global conference community & event marketing solution

Conference Pro is a community of verified exhibitors and conference hosts from all over the world. Our mission is to be the industry connector.

By leading with transparency, we help exhibitors meet their event objectives by finding virtual, in-person or hybrid events anywhere in the world and conference hosts to improve and innovate by collaborating with the exhibitors through actionable feedback.

What is your role?


Add, Search, and Manage Reviews

Influence conference organizers by sharing your feedback and check out peer reviews for shows you’re considering to attend and sponsor.

Get Sponsorship Information

Interested in sponsoring an event? Request information directly from the conference host.

Find New Conferences

Search conferences globally, filter by industries & markets and start exploring.

Conference Host

Get Insights Into What Exhibitors Are Saying

Read, search and download reviews and private feedback from your conferences to help you up your game.

Claim Your Conference

Stay top of mind with exhibitors and control your business information, including conference dates, location, markets covered and more.

Benchmark Your Events

See how your events compare to other conferences in your space.